FAQ Find The Rabbit

What you’ll need

Dapp-compatible browser plugin

Since its cryptocurrency you will make your bets with, you will need a browser plugin that will help operate with the tokens and sign transactions. We personally recommend MetaMask. Or you can use any other Dapp compatible plugin to your tasting.

If you follow our recommendations, install the plugin to your browser and create an account there.

During the creation of your account, you will be shown your seed phrase – please create backup for your safety.

Game rules


1. Which cryptocurrencies can I use to bet with?

The game supports POA.network, Ethereum mainnet, and testnets. All you need is a native cryptocurrency for one of the supported networks and web3-compatible wallet to play (e.g., MetaMask).

2. Is Find The Rabbit trustless?

Absolutely. All secrets are stored in the browser (local storage). Neither Game Oracle nor Smart Contract knows your choice.

3. Is that possible to cheat in this game?

All cheaters are punished by honest players. Game Oracle and the client side of the Find The Rabbit app keep a closer look at the Smart Contract and will help a player to open a dispute against a dishonest player. There is a reputation system, which keeps track of the following:

4. What is the fee charged by Find The Rabbit?

Let’s say a host places a bet of 10 ETH to play the game. Join accepts it and loses. The total sum would be 20 ETH to take minus: - 1% goes to Jackpot - 1% goes to Referrer (if there’s one) - 8% goes to Game Oracle - in total: 20 ETH - 10% = 18 ETH with a 8-ETH profit.

5. What happens if my opponent doesn’t reveal the secret?

Every player has limited time to reveal the secret (2 minutes). Once the time has passed, the player can open a dispute by making a transaction to the Smart Contract. Then the opponent receives a notification that the dispute opener has created the dispute against him/her. The disputant has 5 minutes to resolve the dispute if it has any relevance for him/her to do so because at that time the secret can be seen at the other player’s onchain. So, the disputant still has a chance to win the game. If the disputant sees the loss is inevitable, the dispute opener has to wait 5 minutes to pass and only then he/she can make a transaction to take the profit.

6. What happens if I go offline?

If you were Host awaiting other players to play with, all your games will be saved in the browser cache and the Game Oracle will make them offline. If there are some in-play games, we highly recommend you not go offline because you might lose them if the other person opens a dispute against you for not revealing a secret.

7. Jackpot mechanism

Each last completed game takes part in Jackpot drawing - if there are no other games finished before Jackpot Draw date, then participants share Jackpot 50/50. Each next game adds 5 minutes to Jackpot Draw date. That scheme is also known as FOMO3d.

8. Is there any referral system?

Yes, there is one. And quite a convenient one, we could boast. To use the advantages it offers:

  1. Play at least one game to be qualified to sharing a refferal link.

  2. Go to your profile page at the findtherabbit.me.

  3. Copy your unique referral link and play with your friends, mates, and pals.

12. Why can’t I use multiple tabs?