Find The Rabbit Protocol

  1. Host creates a game and sends a request to Game Oracle that propagates the request to all available online players. Host stores the secret and random salt in his localStorage
    hostSecret = 1 // localStorage
    hostSalt = randomHex(32) // localStorage
    hashOfHostSecret = soliditySha3(secret, salt) // publicly sent value
  2. To accept the game, Join has to generate his own secret for that game, random salt, hash, and a signature using EIP-712
    joinSecret = 1 // localStorage
    joinSalt = randomHex(32) // localStorage
    hashOfJoinSecret = soliditySha3(secret, salt) // publicly sent value
    joinSignature = sign(hashOfHostSecret, isHost: false, hostAddress, hashOfJoinSecret, betAmount)
  3. Host receives a request from the Game Oracle and decides whether to play with Join considering the latter’s statistics:
    • total games;
    • total disputes. Once accepted Host generates the signature:
      hostSignature = sign(hashOfHostSecret, hashOfJoinSecret, isHost: true, joinAddress, betAmount)

      and sends it to Game Oracle to notify Join.

  4. Commit phase. Both players send their eth transaction to the network.
    0 _isHost                bool     false
    1 _hashOfMySecret        bytes32  d5229005f43a51f2ae3c360f52cec0ead3e0229b653bd6c875a3beed3a3e7515
    2 _hashOfOpponentSecret  bytes32  d247d558e10bf6044ad63f8f0d05faf9438f782e70cbd87e4eddfb1bb3ef8b28
    3 _hostSignature         bytes    b193c61814ff29a5cd854bed0904f93326d1cb308ccb04b2190664f89c4bb69d5e09a73c8d26586f56b31c73720779c298e4191184dad57d984c58dd7d6e2fa51c
    4 _joinSignature         bytes    7a524dca250b646d7f0a241645fb6567c4d5ef5cf3a4c80077ccbab1f53a6d5858e33e265df1d0f390238a7fa058a7eb5e2ba34e08c37103c606707b01c37e361b

    At this stage, the contract validates all parameters:

    • Players’ addresses
    • Bet, the players agreed on
    • Signatures
  5. Reveal phase. Once both players verify that the funds were sent to the smart contract , they reveal their secret and salt to the Game Oracle.

  6. Reward phase. Host or Join calls the win function on the smart contract
    0 _gameId     bytes32 d3113f46a630f4898d0dbd9d6c7fe724ffaf8371f12819653ba5a1f106720d5c
    1 _hostSecret uint8   1
    2 _hostSalt   bytes32 3a27d621fd379c392e674f16d37cd8ad23d92bd2e891768ee0316ddc79a673a4
    3 _joinSecret uint8   1
    4 _joinSalt   bytes32 0003afc1efc4886c3a7cffe17aeff8dcf2cf485de0593a12242d6c8d25cbb65b
    5 _referrer   address 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    The smart contract verifies each salt and secret based on the previous submission of hashOfJoinSecret, hashOfHostSecret and sends the reward to the winner.


  1. Game Cancel. If Host or Join doesn’t receive a transaction to fund the game, he/she can cancel the game and get a full refund. They can do that only after the timeUntilCancel function reaches 0.
  2. Reveal is not received. If Host or Join doesn’t receive a reveal, he/she can call openDispute to start a dispute. They can do that only after timeUntilOpenDispute reaches 0. The dispute opener should be revealed on-chain at this stage:
    0 _gameId               bytes32  de346b0603be205b9ca4be9363089d58510f068837ad091c00bcefa1bb5d3f46
    1 _secret               uint8    1
    2 _salt                 bytes32  1962f9d0581efdf52597cd0c199e7f5e23a5cd9c87258ea2a7eb01910abceea4
    3 _isHost               bool     true
    4 _hashOfOpponentSecret bytes32  803cce932639aeae95d449a01b8ed52794b19f2cc039c058cfdedcd00fe461e9

An opened dispute can be closed by the dispute opener or resolved by the opponent:

Note. All the required actions like calling the smart contract or keeping track of its state are implemented on the client side of the Find The Rabbit game (and on the Game Oracle side actually), so a user will be prompted for any necessary interactions. Happy hunting!